Thursday, February 3, 2011

SDs and Myself

I'm not going to give you a long backstory, I think it'd be better if I just say what comes to me naturally. So please be prepared for *flashback* moments in my writings.

Currently I have two SD's. Let me introduce you to them..


I met Pilot on around 1 month ago.He is very new to the SD/SB world and wants a GFE.
The first time we met he was a good little boy and came to meet me in my place of choice so that I was comfortable.We had a very very quick 1st meet (around 15 minutes) which was refreshing as it din't give much room for awkward silences.
Unfortunately the night before was very very warm here in Australia and I eventually got to bed at 3am causing me to slump my upper body across the cafe table as we spoke.(Luckily he found this "cute" instead of giving off the impression that I was disinterested).

Our 2nd meeting we went out for dinner and discussed allowances. For meeting up twice a month he asked if I was comfortable with a starting figure of $2000 a month. I obliged as ":starting point" was connected to this figure.Very promising. In the bedroom PilotSD   leaves alot to be desired but I suppose that is to be expected when he has only been with one other woman (his wife) in his lifetime.


And then there is LaidbackSD . His name should give you a bit of an insight already as to what his personality is like. I've been with his SB for around 8 months.He is the kind of SD that wants to eat home cooked food, watch dvds and cuddle.He sounds more like a boyfriend am I right? Well it seems like it but honestly he is just a tad lonely without some companionship.He wants an SB for the longer term and my incentive is $4000 monthly.I'm happy to stick around for that kind of money. He's very easy to get along with and I see him twice a week.His only problem is a high pitched squealing as he comes... That's right, SQUEALING. Like a pigglet.

That's all for today.


Welcome to my world

Let's make it quick yeah? I'm from Sydney Australia. I've been "SBing" since I was very young, about 16.I've stayed at beautiful hotels, had meals that cost more than my monthly rent payment,flown across the country at the tender age of 16 to meet a perfect stranger and been given thousands of dollars. I've also been given a fake gift card, been threatened and blackmailed, been outed, been stranded in another state, met the fattest ugliest men I will ever see and been haggled with over completely reasonable allowance figures.

In shorter terms, I've experienced alot as a sugar baby. And I'd like to share my stories.